Tag Archives: Prophecy of Isaiah

Studying the Book of Isaiah

Why study the Book of Isaiah? The book of Isaiah is likely the most beloved prophetical book in the OT and for many in the entire Bible. Isaiah’s book contains some of the greatest prophetical proclamations ever written. It includes many of the great doctrines of the Scriptures such as the sovereignty, holiness, justice and other attributes of God. It reveals many prophetic details about God’s Son, who is portrayed as the great suffering Servant who bore on Himself the sins of the world. Isaiah prophesized about the Son’s miraculous birth, His first and second advents; of the Son being a covenant and bringing salvation to the ends of the earth and His future coming kingdom. Isaiah also revealed the future restoration of Jerusalem and Gods gathering His people from all nations to live in a peace and prosperity and the coming new heavens and new earth. Continue reading Studying the Book of Isaiah