
E-Books for In-depth Study

There are a few websites that post many E-books for downloading that will be resources for an in-depth study of the Bible.  These websites may contain some content, such as theological viewpoints that are not in complete agreement with the viewpoint of the Servants Place. However, this does not prevent them from being recommended for download and study. If you are unsure of the value of the content of any of these websites, please ask your Pastor or Elder for their guidance.

Books by Dr. Thomas Constable.

Dr. Constable has written notes in a commentary format on every book of the Bible. Some of these books are very long, or example, Matthew contains over 800 pages and Genesis is over 500 pages in length. These books will be very valuable for a lifetime of study of the Scriptures and are highly recommended.  Each book has an extensive bibliography that will be of value to those seeking to know about other books and journal articles.


Books by Dr. David L. Cooper

Dr. David L. Cooper (1886-1965) was an exceptional Bible teacher and scholar. His writings have been preserved for download from the Biblical Research Studies Group Website. Dr. Cooper wrote studies on the Messiah in the Old and New Testaments (The Messianic Series) and also expositions in a commentary format, on Job, selected Psalms, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Habakkuk, Zechariah, Matthew, Luke, John, Romans, Hebrews, Epistles of John, Revelation. This site also contains the book, “Time of Jacob’s Trouble Approaching Israel–God’s Timepiece” by author Burl Haynie.


Books by Dr. John Piper

Dr. John Piper has had a significant influence on the way Christians understand the glory of God and the purpose of God in creating the world. His Christ-centered and missions-oriented ministry has had a profound effect on millions of people who are daily desiring to know God and follow Him wholeheartedly in obedience to His divine will for their lives. Dr. Piper’s calvanistic teachings and some of his end times viewpoints (ie: post-tribulation rapture) will not appeal to all Christians. However, Dr. Piper’s zeal to proclaim the truth that “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him” should be the desire/goal of every believer in Christ. Dr. Piper has graciously allowed the free downloading of several of his books which can be accessed on his Desiring God website.


Books by Paul Apple

The Bible Outlines.com by site creator Paul Apple, is an extensive web site of Biblical resources, including Bible text outline, commentaries in .pdf format, Gospel introduction material, topical studies, audio sermons, blogs and links to various internet sites. For E-books search under the Scripture Studies heading. Paul states on his home page: “My passion is helping others understand and apply the Scriptures through the Big Idea concept and preaching outlines of each book.”


Books by Brethren Authors

The Bible Centre website and the Brethren Archive websites contain many books on the Bible by Brethren (Plymouth Brethren) authors. These books are typically shorter in length than the books from the other sites listed above. However, they are written from a classic dispensational and premillennial viewpoint and are recommended for downloading and study.

Bible Centre


Brethren Archive


Messianic Study Series

Servants Place is the host of the Messianic Study Series by content creator, Raymond Miller.  This is a series that is in preparation and will include studies on the books of Isaiah, Micah and Zechariah.  At present, the  books of Isaiah and Micah are  posted for download below.  The book of Zechariah will be posted in sections (chapters) as they are completed.  The study of the entire book of Zechariah will  require several months to complete.


Messianic Study of Micah

Messianic Study of Zechariah (Sections):

Introduction to Zechariah

Zechariah Chapter 1

Zechariah Chapter 2

Zechariah Chapter 3

Zechariah Chapter 4

Zechariah Chapter 5

Zechariah Chapter 6

Zechariah Chapter 7

Zechariah Chapter 8



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