The Servants Place website is a destination for Biblical studies and resources. Many studies are available on this site for reading or downloading. Links to many other websites are provided so that studies and resources that will cover the entire Bible can be accessed.
The theological viewpoint of Servant’s Place is conservative and evangelical with an understanding that the Scriptures, the Bible, comprising of sixty-six books have been inspired (breathed-out) by God. The method of Biblical interpretation applied to all the content of the Scriptures is inter-textual, grammatical and historical. It is inter-textual in that the process of comparing Scripture to Scripture is used with an understanding that many passages of the Scriptures comment on other passages. It is grammatical in that the rules of grammar for the languages in which the Scriptures were written as well as the translation into English are followed so that as much as possible the intent of the authors, under God’s guidance can be discerned. It is historical in that the historical context of the writings are carefully considered so that application of the Biblical text is accurate.
The eschatological (end-times) viewpoint of the Servants Place is decidedly pre-millennial in the understanding that God had the purpose from before creation of having His Son, Jesus Christ rule on the earth, governing His kingdom for a thousand years so that the many-faceted purposes and promises of God revealed in the Scriptures would be fulfilled. It is also understood that Jesus Christ will return to the earth in the sky to “rapture” (take up) the redeemed, those who are members of His Church, before the onset of the judgment period called the Tribulation. Not all content on the Servant’s Place website will necessarily be pre-millennial or pre-tribulational, as authors of works holding differing viewpoints will be recommended as their writings are of value for many aspects of Biblical understanding.
Links to other sites containing Biblical resources are carefully considered and others may be added so that the best sites for Biblical studies, in the opinion of the Servants Place, will be made easily available.
The Biblical studies series contained on this website is the work of the content creator for this site. These studies are being made available free of charge for reading online or for downloading in a .pdf format. It must be understood that these studies should be considered as the property of the author and all rights to the content of these studies belong to the author. These studies can be shared with others but no content of these studies are to be altered in any way. Permission is given for citing or quoting from these studies as long as proper attribution is stated following the cited content. This citation should state, the title of the study and the words “” and the date the content was accessed.