Tag Archives: Beginning in Genesis

Studying Genesis

Why study Genesis? Studying Genesis is the very beginning of the Bible and is foundational for understanding the Bible. A study of Genesis will reveal the very beginning of history when God created the heavens and the earth. It also reveals the creation of humans and the first family, followed by the sin of this family and their descendants. The initial sin by Adam and Eve resulted in their eventual deaths and a broken relationship with God. The sins of their descendants led to God’s judgment on humanity and punishment by the great flood. God began again with Noah and his family, but this also led to sin and rebellion against God on the plains of Shinar, after which God confused the languages of mankind resulting in their dispersal throughout the earth. God began again with Abraham from whom His chosen people were descended. The remainder of the Book of Genesis is a story of this family, who began their existence in Canaan and later relocated to Egypt. Continue reading Studying Genesis