Why Servants Place?

Why Servants Place? You may be asking why servants place exists. This site exists to give seekers can grown in their walk with the Lord. This website is dedicated to the glory of the Son of God, the great Servant of God who suffered the wrath of God so that all who trust in the Son for salvation will live forever to glorify Him. There is no higher, no more exalted, no better, no more glorified, nor no more worthy One to whom the redeemed can glory in than in the Lord of Glory.

A secondary reason is so that human servants of God, those who have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, the Suffering Servant of God, can link to study resources for individual Bible Study, for preparation for teaching the Bible and for preparation for preaching from the Bible. It is also a resource for those who are seeking resources for a Church library.

A third reason, but not the least in importance, is that those who are seeking to find out more about Christianity and specifically about Jesus Christ may find the end of their search in trusting in Him for salvation. If the resources listed and referenced on this Website are used by God to lead a seeker to His Son, then all praise for this will be entirely given to the great Servant of God, God’s Son, Jesus Christ.

Servants of the Lord who want to grow in spiritual maturity, but will not likely attend a Seminary or Bible School, need to devote time for personal growth in the things of the Lord. There is no quick and easy way to obtain maturity nor to learn all that a Christian needs to know to serve the Lord in His kingdom. Learning is a lifetime process. No one has finished learning. Even the greatest evangelists, Bible teachers, pastors, missionaries, church leaders, youth workers, music directors and other Christian servants all need to grow more mature in the Lord.

The task of making disciples, is the command Christ left His disciples and all Christians to accomplish. Christ did not leave the work at simply preaching or teaching. His words were, “Go and make disciples of all nations”. This process involves, “making disciples”, “baptizing them” and “teaching them to obey everything I have commanded.”
Matthew 28: 19-20.

Where can servants receive the training and careful instruction they need to become faithful and mature disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ and to train others to become disciples also? Many churches do not have a comprehensive Bible Institute in which committed Christians can receive careful instruction to become trained disciples. The Internet is a valuable resource and offers many Biblically based training courses. Some are offered free of charge while others charge a tuition fee. However, it is often quite confusing to find the right courses suited for believer wanting to receive training that is best suited for growth in discipleship.

The Servant’s Place Website is designed to be a signpost pointing to the best the Internet has to offer for online discipleship training. No particular denomination or theological viewpoint will be advocated. However, all sites referenced will be those posting Biblically conservative and evangelical materials by teachers who believe that God’s word is truth, John 17:17 and believe that Scripture is inspired (“God breathed”) and is inerrant and infallible and “is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16.

The following resources are a beginning of a study about the Suffering Servant, the Son of God and those who are redeemed servants of the Son of God. It is a two-fold study and additional resources will be added in the future.


The Suffering Servant: Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12 by Allen Ross

The Servant Oracles by J. Paul Tanner

The Suffering Servant of the Lord Isaiah 52:13-53:12 by Dr. Daniel Akin

Notes on Isaiah by Dr. Thomas Constable

Isaiah Resources on Precept Austin Website

Semon Series on the Servant of God in Isaiah by Dr. John MacArthur
These series contain both the audio and text for these messages. GTY Website – Search for Servant of God Series

-Behold My Servant: The Servant Songs of Isaiah, by Brian A. Russell, Christian Focus Publications, 2017.
-Isaiah’s Great Light: The Salvation of God in the Servant Songs, by Kyle Swanson, Kress Biblical Resources, 2023

Qualities of an Excellent Servant Sermon Series by Dr. John MacArthur
These series contain the audio and text for these messages.

Part 1: 1 Timothy 4:6-9
Part 2: 1 Timothy 4:10-11
Part 3: 1 Timothy 4:12
Part 4: 1 Timothy 4:13-14
Part 5: 1 Timothy 4:15-16

It Will Cost You Everything: What it Takes to Follow Jesus, by Steven J. Lawson, Christian Focus, 2021.
Improving Your Serve, by Charles R. Swindoll, Thomas Nelson, 2004.
Don’t Waste Your Life, by John Piper, Crossway, 2023.

Copyright Notice

This article is Copyright 2024, Raymond Miller. The photograph is copyright 2023, Raymond Miller.  No unauthorized use of any content in this article is permissible without express written consent.



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